Child Support Enforcement/Recovery/Payment Assistance

Maine's Division of Support Enforcement & Recovery (DSER) can help with establishing paternity and/or child support obligations as well as collection and/or enforcement of child support orders. If you are the non-custodial parent, DSER can help if you are struggling financially to meet your obligations. Please contact them at (207) 624-4100 or visit the link above for a list of available resources. 

  Heating & Electricity Assistance

Maine Housing Authority can get you in touch with several programs to help homeowners with energy improvements, or individuals (homeowners and renters) with fuel and energy costs through programs like LIHEAP. Visit their site HERE for a list of programs and to find a local office. 

 Resources for Veterans

The following agencies work together to create a supportive network for veterans across New England. There is no one way to start the process of outreach and connecting with one of these organizations will result in them working cooperatively to get you in touch with the resources that are best suited to your situation. 

If you are a veteran facing current or potential homelessness, please reach out to the Veteran Housing Services referral line at 1-800-377-5709 and they can align you with potential services to help get you and your family back on your feet. 


Veteran Emergency Shelters:


Veteran Services:


Government Services: