Information Regarding June 14, 2022 Referendum for Broadband Expansion

On June 14, 2022, there will be two ballot questions pertaining to broadband expansion funds. These funds will be used to expand the Charter-Spectrum territory not serviced by the FirstLight territory. A list of included addresses in below, if your address is in the area but not included, please contact Danielle Loring via email or 207-345-3305 x 101


The total project cost is $581,105 of which the Town is responsible for $338,000. The Selectmen have broken down the funding structure as follows:

  • $150,000 from the Town's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds
  • $188,000 submitted to the Androscoggin County Commissioners to request County ARPA funds. (PENDING)
    • You can view Commissioners' Meeting presentation HERE


Even though the Selectmen got approval at Town Meeting to accept and expend ARPA funds on qualifying projects, they are putting the funds to a referendum vote due to the amount being expended. The questions are as follows:

QUESTION 3: Do you authorize the Town of Minot to utilize $150,000 of America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the purpose of broadband expansion with the remainder ($188,000) being requested from Androscoggin County?

QUESTION 4: In the event that the Town is unable to secure funding from Androscoggin County for broadband expansion, do you authorize the Board of Selectmen to utilize the Undesignated Fund Balance for an amount not to exceed $188,000? 

If these questions passed, the Selectmen would finalize negotiations with Charter-Spectrum and construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

If either of these questions does not pass, the Board will evaluate additional funding sources which may include engaging with additional Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or reducing the project area.