2024 Taxes Due 12/16/2024

The Minot Selectmen chose to commit the 2024 Real Estate and Personal Property taxes at their meeting on 8/5/2024 with a mil rate of $11.15. This is a $1.15 increase from last year’s commitment. They are due 12/16/2024 with interest starting on 12/17/2024 at the State max rate of 8.5%. The online tax payment system is available and linked on our website’s homepage.

Per Title 20-A M.R.S. Section 1487 the Municipal Assessors may commit taxes using the latest budget approved at the RSU Budget Meeting and submitted to the voters for a Budget Validation Referendum. This allows for tax commitment to occur in a timely manner and allows taxpayers ample time to pay their bill(s).

The Town of Minot will then take the excess funds collected from taxes and save them in Overlay to be used to lower taxes the following year(s).

Even though the Selectmen committed taxes and you receive your bill it is still VERY important that residents attend the RSU 16 Budget Meeting on 9/5 and come out to vote on 9/17 (Dates are tentative as no warrants have been received at this time.) so the RSU can continue to work on and possibly pass their budget.

If you have any questions about your tax bill, please reach out to the Town Office. If you have questions regarding the RSU Budget please contact them directly.