Public Property Use Agreement
The Town of Minot allows residents to use Town Office space and property.
- Minot Town Office Meeting Room
- Minot Town Office Basement
- Minot Memorial Fields - must specify
- Minot Community Fields - must specify
- Minot Trail System
The Town Office rooms will be used for Town business and non-profits only.
LIABILITY: The Town, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property occurring at or in connection with the assembly, activity, or event, which has been permitted under the terms of these Regulations. The permit holder agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town, its officers, and employees from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, suits, penalties, claims, and demands of every kind or nature by and on behalf of any person or entity, arising out of any injury or damage alleged to have been suffered at or in connection with the assembly, activity or event which has been permitted under the terms of these Regulations.
ASSIGNMENT: Permits issued pursuant to these Regulations are for the specific event; time and place listed on the permit and are not transferable or assignable to any other person, group or other entity. Anewapplicationmustbefiledeachcalendaryearforrecurringannualevents. Staff reserves the right to deny a request for any reason or refer the application to the Board of Selectmen for further review.
AGE OF PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE: Applicantsmustprovideadequatechaperonesforanyfunctionthatisattendedbyanypersonundertheageof18 years.
PERMIT REQUIRED: A group or organization using Town of Minot properties for an assembly, group activity, or organized event must obtain permission from the Minot Town Clerk. Request for permission shall be submitted in writing in a form prescribed by the Town of Minot not less than 30 (thirty) days prior to the event and shall be accompanied by the required fee and damage deposit.
REQUIRED FEES AND DEPOSIT: $75.00 administrative fee plus $25.00 cleaning deposit. Affiliate organizations for the Town, such as the School District, Athletic Association, and other nonprofit organizations, may have fees waived.
DAMAGE/ DEPOSIT: The Town may retain all or a portion of the damage deposit as reimbursement for any damage to Town property, any necessary clean-up costs or any other costs incurred by the Town in connection with the use of the property. Any costs incurred by the Town in excess of the deposit shall be paid by the permit holder upon receipt of a bill from the Town.
INSURANCE: The permit holder shall provide proof of insurance listing the Town of Minot as additionally insured for said event. Proof of insurance shall be provided at the time the permit application is filed.
NON-EXCLUSIVE USE: Permission granted under these Regulations shall be for the non-exclusive use of the property listed on the application as submitted. It does not entitle the holder of the permit to exclude members of the public from property listed on the application.
EVENT DURATION: The permitted assembly, activity or event shall not exceed five (5) hours in duration. A combined setup and breakdown time of twelve (12) hours may be allowed by the Minot Town Clerk. All events shall end by dusk as posted or 10:00pm if the space used is inside the Town Office.
CLEAN UP OF FACILITY: The applicant shall be responsible for leaving the property in a condition like the condition at the time the use began. Recycle bins must be provided during the event. Judgment as to conditions of property before and after the event shall be at the sole discretion of the Highway Director and/ or Town Administrator. The applicant will be responsible for all clean-up activities. If the clean-up activities are not sufficient, and the applicant refuses or neglects to initiate and/or complete clean-up activities after being asked to do so, the Town will conduct the clean-up activities and charge a fee of $30.00 per man hour plus any other costs associated with the clean-up. Failure to clean up after use may result in denial for future activities.
SOUND: Amplified music or sound is not allowed at any Town properties.
ALCOHOL AND OTHER RECRATIONAL DRUGS: Alcohol and other recreational drugs are not allowed at any event on Town of Minot property.
FIREARMS: The use of firearms is prohibited at events. Hunting is allowed during hunting season on the trail system and fields. Please wear blaze orange during this time. Any questions, please contact the County Sherriff’s Office or State Police.
POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT: For all events utilizing the fields and/ or trail system the Fire Department and Police/ Sherriff will be notified by the Town Clerk if the event is expected to result in traffic or activities different than what is typically expected for that facility.
FIRE REGULATIONS/TOWN CODE: The applicant shall not have open fires without obtaining a burn permit and getting permission from the Town Administrator. If applicant has any questions, they should contact the Fire Chief.
TERMINATION OF ACTIVITY: The Town Administrator, Fire Chief, or State Police/ County Sheriff may order the immediate termination of the assembly, activity or event that is the subject of a permit issued hereunder if the permit holder is in violation of the terms of the permit or any State or local statute, ordinance, or regulation. Upon such termination, all activities by the permit holder shall cease and all equipment, furnishings and other material shall be removed from the park or property and the park or property shall be cleaned forthwith.