What is Town Meeting?
A Town Meeting is both an event and an entity. As an event, it is a gathering of a town’s eligible voters, and is referred to as “the Town Meeting.” As an entity, it is the legislative body for towns in Maine, and is referred to simply as “Town Meeting.” So you may say, “I went to the Town Meeting. Town Meeting approved the budget.”
In Minot, we have an annual Town Meeting the first Saturday in March to approve the budget and consider any ordinance additions or changes. At times, there may be a Special Town Meeting. This is usually because something is being considered after the annual Town Meeting or it is a time sensitive matter that needs to be considered. These can be called by the Board of Selectmen or through a petition of the residents (10% of the voters who voted at the last gubernatorial election). In either case, the requirements under State Law Title 30-A will be followed. These meetings are infrequent and will be noticed in the usual places (newspaper, Town Office, Facebook... ect) in order to get the best turnout possible.