Frequently Asked Questions



 FAQ Section

When are property taxes due?

FMI please see refer to "Assessing & Tax Information."

How do I obtain a fire permit?

To call the Fire Department dial 345-3305 and select option 3. For a $7 fee a burn permit can be obtained at FMI please see the "Fire Department".

How do I obtain a marriage license?

Both parties need to be present to complete the intentions. Photo ID is required (Driver's License or Passport) as well as a divorce decree with the court seal if either party was previously married. The fee is $40.  FMI, please see the Vitals Section under the "Clerk" tab.

How do I obtain a death certificate?

Come to the Town office and complete application. ID is required. FMI please see the Vitals Section under the "Clerk" tab.

How do I obtain a birth certificate?

Come to the Town Office and complete an application. ID is required. FMI, please see the Vitals Section under the "Clerk" tab.

Does Minot have a trash removal service?

The Town does not offer trash removal. A dump sticker may be obtained at the Town Office for $10 that allows Minot residents to take household trash to Maine Waste to Energy in Auburn at 110 Goldthwaite Road. For a complete list of businesses that offer curbside trash removal, please see the "Business Directory" under Community News. For bulky waste pricing and information regarding Maine Waste to Energy, please view information under Solid Waste Disposal/Recycling.