Town Administrator

The Administrator is charged with executing the policies and procedures put forth by the Board of Selectmen and managing expenditures approved Town Meeting or secret ballot. The Administrator shall act in such capacity as the Board of Selectmen may direct in municipal, state, federal and other policy issues affecting the Town. 

The Administrator is responsible for the annual consolidation of the proposed budget (in conjunction with the Selectmen, Treasurer, and Budget Committee) and the administration of the budget once adopted. The Administrator is also responsible for developing administrative procedures and for ensuring adherence of those procedures by all departments and employees. 

The Administrator is charged with the responsibility of advising the Board and public on the status of all affairs of the Town, and is responsible for preparing an annual report of the previous year's activities.  

Minot News Corner

A newsletter put out by the Administrator that highlights various aspects of local government. These can also be found in the monthly periodical, Country Connection.

Town Meeting Information

Whether you are new to Town or have multi-generation history here, the Town Meeting for of government is an excellent way to acquaint your self with the ongoing issues and matters being considered by the Town. Click "Town Meeting Information" above for more information about Minot's form of Government. Minot holds its annual Town Meeting on the first Saturday in March. It is generally held in the morning in the Minot Consolidate School gym. Municipal elections for officers are held the night before (Friday) from 4pm-8pm at the Town Office.